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Do you desire deeper support on your path?
Are you wanting to connect in a safe community with others on the journey?
Are you wanting to strengthen + develop your intuitive gifts?
Do you wish to feel more deeply connected to your power through the hard stuff you experience?
Then my Soul Empowered Membership is for you, my love.
an online offering that helps you tap into your deeper power + gifts, feel supported on the journey and connect within community
Receive consistent SUPPORT on pieces you're moving through,
Find deeper POWER + PURPOSE
in your life
Find deeper TRUST on the journey,
Feel more deeply FULFILLED
Connect more deeply with SPIRIT and the AKASHIC RECORDS
Experience deeper HEALING + FREEDOM through the hard pieces showing up
Meet others on this spiritual journey and FIND YOUR TRIBE
Work with Christina but you're needing a more COST-FRIENDLY OPTION in your life right now